My brother and I have been building 3d printers for almost two years. In this time, we have built three different 3d printers, two of which are our own design. Our printers are based on the open source RepRap project. My brother works mostly on the mechanical components of the printers, while I do most of the electronics and software.
After we built our first printer, we were asked by the Simcoe County District School Board to speak at a series of conferences and elementary schools about innovation and 3d printing. Our talks were well received, and we were able to inspire many students to start innovating on their own.
Inspiring 'Tech' talk from SCDSB alumni and current student--building a 3D printer to create and innovate! #SCDSB
— SPotts (@potts_spotts) April 28, 2015
Andrew /Dan Colvin @BarrieNorth1 student /grad telling of their 3D printer experience to SCDSB admin @SCDSB_Schools
— John Dance (@JohnDance4) April 28, 2015
Amazing brothers designed and built their own 3D printer and CNC!! They are our future!!! #NPDL @SCDSB_Schools
— Leyla PF (@leylapf) April 10, 2015
Amazing creations by #scdsb students who designed/built this 3D printer. Sparking students to think big. #npdl
— Alison Golding (@A_J_Golding) April 10, 2015